Detail View: JCB Archive of Early American Images: [top] Le grand Duc. De gehoornde Uil. [bottom] Aigle à queuë blanche. Wit gestaarte Arend.

Accession number: 
Record number: 
JCB call number: 
D750 E47v (copy 2)
Image title: 
[top] Le grand Duc. De gehoornde Uil. [bottom] Aigle à queuë blanche. Wit gestaarte Arend.
Creator 1: 
Nicolaes van Frankendaal
Creator 1 dates: 
fl. 1733-1775
Creator 1 role: 
Place image published: 
Image publisher: 
[Elie Luzac, fils]
Image date: 
Image function: 
fold-out plate 2
Image dimension height: 
16.4 cm.
Image dimension width: 
9 cm.
Page dimension height: 
19.5 cm.
Page dimension width: 
20 cm.
Materials medium: 
Materials support: 
French, Dutch
[top] Great horned owl. [bottom] White tailed eagle.
Source creator: 
Ellis, Henry, 1721-1806
Source Title: 
[Voyage to Hudson's Bay. French] Voyage à la baye de Hudson, fait en 1746. & 1747, par les navires le Dobbs-Galley & la California, pour la découverte d'un passage au nord-ouëst ...
Source place of publication: 
Leide [Leiden]
Source publisher: 
De l'Imp. d'Elie Luzac, fils
Source date: 
MDCCL. [1750]
Henry Ellis was agent on an expedition organized by Arthur Dobbs to discover the Northwest Passage. The captains of the two ships of the expedition, William Moor and Francis Smith, concluded that no passage to the northwest existed at the head of Wager Bay.
Time Period: 
Acquired in 1851.
Owner and copyright: 
©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912
geographic area: 
North America
Subject Area: 
Flora and fauna
Subject headings: 
Natural history--Canada