Accession number:
Record number:
JCB call number:
J590 B915v GVL8.1 / 2-SIZE
Image title:
Franciscus Draco cum in locum quendam venis set, à Rege istius regionis convenitur.
Place image published:
[Frankfurt am Main]
Image publisher:
[Matthaeus Becker, Widow and son of Theodor de Bry]
Image date:
Image function:
illustration; Plate 5
Image dimension height:
13.6 cm.
Image dimension width:
17.6 cm.
Page dimension height:
35.1 cm.
Page dimension width:
24 cm.
Materials medium:
Materials support:
Native Americans approach European soldiers and offer gifts. A group of native Americans sit around a fire in a teepee or tent. In the background soldiers disembark on boats from ships in distance. Includes guns or muskets, bows, arrows, shield, furs, feathered headdress, and mace.
Source Title:
[America. Pt 8. Latin] Americae pars VIII. Continens primo descriptionem trium itinerum nobilissimi et fortissimi equitis Francisci Draken [etc.] ...
Source place of publication:
Francofurti ad Moenum [Frankfurt am Main]
Source publisher:
per Matthaeum Becker, sumptibus dictorum Theodorici de Bry P. M. relictae Viduae & filiorum
Source date:
M.D.XCIX. [1599]
Francis Drake anchored in what is believed to be present-day San Francisco, California, in June 1579. He and his party found native Americans living in log huts which were pointed at the top and had earth piled around. Inside the inhabitants sat on straw around a fire. When the English landed, the chief of the natives gave a speech to the English and presented Drake with a crown. From this action the English named the land, New Albion, and misguidedly believed that the ceremony gave the land to them. This work contains relations of six different voyages: three by Sir Francis Drake, one circumnavigation by Thomas Cavendish (or Candish), and two by Sir Walter Raleigh to Guiana. An account of Drake's first voyage, written by Niño de Sylva, had not previously been published. The account of Drake's second voyage is based upon the account of the circumnavigation by Thomas Cates. Drake's third voyage is derived from his logbook of the expedition against the Spanish in Panama. Cavendish's voyage appears to have been based upon a manuscript account written by Thomas Pretty who accompanied Cavendish. Raleigh's first voyage was published by himself in 1597; the second voyage, attributed to Raleigh, may have actually been made by Laurent Keymis, a companion on Raleigh's voyage of 1595. Theodor de Bry's America. Pt. 8. Latin.
Time Period:
Church, E.D. Discovery, 163
Acquired before 1865.
Owner and copyright:
©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912
geographic area:
Spanish America
Subject Area:
Artifacts, industry, and human activities
Subject Area:
Indigenous peoples
Subject headings:
Indians of North America