Accession number:
Record number:
JCB call number:
J590 B915v GVL4.1 / 2-SIZE
Image title:
Americae retectio
Place image published:
[Frankfurt am Main]
Image publisher:
[Johann Feyerabend, Theodor de Bry]
Image date:
Image function:
illustration; following second title page
engraving, hand coloring
Image dimension height:
14.1 cm.
Image dimension width:
19.3 cm.
Page dimension height:
34.1 cm.
Page dimension width:
23 cm.
Materials medium:
ink, colors, gilt
Materials support:
The western hemisphere is shown flanked by figures of Janus and Flora. Above are medallion portraits of Christopher Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci. A sea god supports the western hemisphere. At bottom is a representation of the coast of Italy with Genoa shown on the coast and Florence shown at far right. At top charioteers carry shields bearing the arms of Genoa and Florence.
Source Title:
[America. Pt 4. Latin] Americae pars quarta. Sive, Insignis & admiranda historia de reperta primum occidentali India à Christophoro Columbo anno M. CCCXCII ...
Source place of publication:
Francofurtensi [Frankfurt am Main]
Source publisher:
[Typis Ioannis Feyrabend] Theodoro de Bry
Source date:
M D XCIIII [1594]
Janus represents Genoa and is shown with Neptune mounted on a war chariot and the symbol of Genoa. Flora holding flowers represents Florence and is shown with Mars, the god of war, the first patron of Florence and the fleur de lis, symbol of that city. Jan van der Straet, also known as Joannes [or Johannes] Stradanus, compiled a series of four prints under the title Americae retectio in 1592, issued in celebration of the centennial of Columbus' discovery of the New World. This work was published by Theodor de Bry and is derived from the first part of Girolamo Benzoni, Historia del mondo nuovo, Venice, 1565. Theodor de Bry's America. Pt. 4. Latin. Imprint information from colophon.
Time Period:
Visual categories:
Emblems (Allegorical pictures)
Church, E.D. Discovery, 153
Acquired before 1865.
Owner and copyright:
©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912
geographic area:
geographic area:
geographic area:
Caribbean Islands
geographic area:
geographic area:
North America
geographic area:
Spanish America
Subject Area:
Geography, maps, city views and plans
Subject headings:
Western Hemisphere--Maps