Accession number:
Record number:
JCB call number:
Codex Ind 2
Image title:
Place image published:
Image date:
[ca. 1585]
Image function:
illustration; verso leaf 156
painting, manuscript
Image dimension height:
21 cm.
Image dimension width:
8.3 cm.
Page dimension height:
21 cm.
Page dimension width:
15.2 cm.
Materials medium:
ink, watercolor
Materials support:
A banner of red and white stripes on a red mast is adorned with a crest of many colored feathers, with bundles of corn and fruits, and a square with two fish on it.
Source creator:
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 1546-ca. 1626
Source Title:
Historia de la benida de los yndios apoblar a Mexico de las partes remotas de Occidente los sucessos y perigrinaçiones del camino su gouierno, ydolos y templos dellos, ritos y cirimonias ... calandarios delos tiempos
Source place of publication:
Source date:
ca. 1585
This month is identified as February and is called Raising of the trees or Ceasing of the waters. It was also known as Atlcahualo, Atlcualo, Xilomaniztli, Cohuailhuitl, Atlmotzacuaya, or Xochzitzquilo. This month was dedicated to Tlaloc, the god of rain, and children were sacrificed to him by drowning, although this commentary does not mention this ritual. The Tovar manuscript is divided into three sections. This third section of the manuscript contains the Tovar calendar which records a continuous Mexican calendar with months, weeks, days, dominical letters, and church festivals of a Christian 365-day year.
Time Period:
Kubler, G. & Gibson, C. The Tovar Calendar, Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts & Sciences, vol. XI, p. 35-36
Acquired from the collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps in 1946.
Owner and copyright:
©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912
geographic area:
Spanish America
Subject Area:
Indigenous peoples
Subject headings:
Mexico--History--To 1519
Subject headings:
Indians of Mexico
Subject headings:
Aztec calendar