Accession number:
DEN DOOR LIST en GEWELD AANGEVALLEN LEEUW. [The lion attacked by cunning and force].
Image technique:
Image dimensions:
17.1 x 36.5 cm. (image), on sheet 32 x 40.3 cm.
Narrative description:
Propaganda of the pro-English party of the Stadtholder, which was opposed by the Patriots" of the Dutch cities where French influence was strong. The message is that war with England would lead to the loss of Dutch possessions in the East Indies. Images include: Catholic influence as the Whore of Babylon; Holland as a lion; United Provinces as a sheaf of 7 arrows.
Not in BM
One of a series of prints reflecting propaganda of parties in the United Provinces preceding the English declaration of war on Dec. 20, 1780. Explanatory text in Dutch, with numbered and lettered key, below image. See JCB copy 2 for print with text in French (accession # 31619). This copy does have the dancing French sailor and captain at upper right. JCB has several variant copies of this image and text. With Dutch text: accession # 31618, 8854, 8855, 8857. With French text: accession # 8858, 31619.
European political scene Armed neutrality
Normalized date: