Accession Number:
File Name:
Call number:
H528 B729l
Map title:
La gran citta di Temistitan
Place of Publication:
per Nicolo d'Aristotile, detto Zoppino
Publication date:
Map size height:
30 cm.
Map size width:
40 cm.
Item description:
Woodcut map, leaf X recto
Geographical description:
Plan and view of Tenochtitlan (present-day Mexico City). Built environment consists of a sacrificial temple [the Templo Mayor], causeways, buildings, dwellings, and some settlements of the Mexican valleyAtacuba, Tesgua, and Yztapalapa.
Source author:
Bordon, Benedetto, 1450-1530
Source title:
Libro di Benedetto Bordone nel qual si ragiona de tutte l'isole del mondo con li lor nomi antichi & moderni, historie, fauole, & modi del loro uiuere, & in qual parte del mare stanno, & in qual parallelo & clima giacciono. Con il breve di Papa Leone
Source place:
Impresse in Vinegia: per Nicolo d'Aristotile, detto Zoppino, nel mese di giugno, del M.D.XXVIII.
Cartobibliographic notes:
Place of publication and printer's name from colophon.
Geographic Area:
North America
Historical notes:
Based on the plan of Tenochtitlan in Hernán Cortés, Praeclara Ferdina[n]di. Cortesii de noua maris oceani Hyspania narratio sacratissimo. ac inuictissimo Carolo Romanoru[m] Imperatori semper Augusto, Hyspaniaru[m], [etc] Regi Anno Domini. M.D.XX. transmitta ... Nuremberg, 1524. Sonetti's book of islands was the first to describe islands, but his islands were all maps of islands in the Greek archipelago. Bordone's book expanded the subject matter by attempting to chart the islands of the entire world.
Normalized date:
LC bibliographic number: