Accession Number:
File Name:
Call number:
F625 L158n
Map title:
Place of Publication:
In de druckerye van Isaack Elzevier
Publication date:
Map size height:
34 cm.
Map size width:
42 cm.
Item description:
Engraved map, following p. 298
Geographical description:
Map of Peru. Includes part of Ecuador and Chile. Also includes scales.
Source author:
Laet, Joannes de, 1581-1649
Source title:
Nieuvve wereldt ofte beschrijvinghe van West-Indien, : wt veelderhande schriften ende aen-teeckeninghen van verscheyden natien by een versamelt / door Ioannes de Laet, ende met noodighe kaerten ende tafels voorsien
Source place:
Tot Leyden: In de druckerye van Isaack Elzevier, Anno 1625
Cartobibliographic notes:
John Carter Brown Library copy imperfect: double map of "Nova Hispania, Nova Galicia, Gvatimala" intended to be bound between p. 140 and 141 misbound between p. 352 and 353; double map "Floria et regiones vicinae", which is not included in the list of maps on p. [24], 1st count, is bound between p. 140 and 141 instead. The double map "Florida et regiones vicinae" is included in the Latin translation of this work from 1633; wanting double map "Terra firma, Nuevo Reyno de Granada ende Popajan", intended to be bound between p. 248 and 249.
Geographic Area:
South America
Normalized date:
LC bibliographic number: