Accession Number:
File Name:
Call number:
B601 H564h /1-SIZE
Map title:
[Title page]
Place of Publication:
En la Emplenta Real
Publication date:
Map size height:
29 cm.
Map size width:
21 cm.
Item description:
Engraved title page, decade 1
Geographical description:
Title page with portraits of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain surrounded by ships and with a globe of the world. Also includes portraits of Christopher Columbus and Bartolomé Columbus [Bartolomé Colón]. Vignettes along the border include the battle of King Guarinoex and his army against the Spanish, the Indians tearing down a cross, the Spanish being repelled from the coast of Veragua, Columbus meeting King Guacanagari at La Navidad, and his men being killed beside the coast. Also includes a burning house and shipwrecks, royal coat of arms of Spain and another coat of arms.
Source author:
Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, -1625
Source title:
Historia general de los hechos de los castellanos en las islas i Tierra Firme del Mar Oceano escrita por Antonio de Herrera coronista mayor de Su Md: de las Indias y su coronista de Castilla ... Decada primera [-octaua]
Source place:
Mad: [i.e. Madrid] : En la Emplenta Real, 1601-1615
Geographic Area:
South America
Historical notes:
During a battle between natives led by Guarionex, a Taino cacique, and the Spanish, the natives attempted to burn the first cross that Columbus erected on Hispaniola. It failed to catch fire and the Spanish hailed this as a miracle of the Virgin of Mercy. Guacanagari, one of the five caciques of Hispaniola, received Columbus after the Santa Maria was wrecked on the island. The Spanish who remained at La Navidad after Columbus left for Spain were massacred by rival tribes a few months later.
Normalized date:
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