Detail View: JCB Map Collection: [Toda la tierra de las Indias]

Accession Number: 
File Name: 
Call number: 
B552 L864i /1-SIZE
Map title: 
[Toda la tierra de las Indias]
Place of Publication: 
Publication date: 
mil y quinientos y cinquenta y dos
Map size height: 
30 cm.
Map size width: 
20 cm.
Item description: 
woodcut fold-out map; pt 2, following title page
Geographical description: 
Map of the western hemisphere including South America and North America from the Cape of Labrador.
Source author: 
López de Gómara, Francisco, 1511-1564
Source title: 
La istoria de las Indias. y Conquista de Mexico
Source place: 
Fue impressa ... en casa de Agustin Millan. y acabose vispera de Navidad año de mil y quinientos y cinquenta y dos en la muy noble ciudad de Çaragoca.
Cartobibliographic notes: 
John Carter Brown Library copy has both the cancellans and the cancellandum at a4; a cancel slip, "rei de Tezcuco" is pasted on leaf o1 recto, 2nd alphabet, beneath heading of 2nd column. Conquista de Mexico has special title page, separate foliation and signatures. Issued as part of López de Gómara, La istoria de las Indias y conquista de Mexico; publication statement from colophon. Title of map from the recto of the leaf following the title page.
Geographic Area: 
Western hemisphere
Historical notes: 
This is the first Spanish map to depict the entire continent of America and was suppressed to protect what is remarkably exact information about the outline of the New World.
Normalized date: 
LC bibliographic number: 