Detail View: JCB Map Collection: Typo de la carta cosmographica de Gaspar Vopellio Medeburgense

Accession Number: 
File Name: 
Call number: 
B556 G523d
Map title: 
Typo de la carta cosmographica de Gaspar Vopellio Medeburgense
Place of Publication: 
Por Maestro Iuan Antonio Castellon, y Maestro Christoual Caron, junto à la Yglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Escala
Publication date: 
Map size height: 
35 cm.
Map size width: 
44 cm.
Item description: 
fold-out map, preceding p. 1
Geographical description: 
Cordiform world map including North and South America. Balboa's discovery of the Pacific Ocean in 1513 is noted, and Antarctica (or the southern continent) is noted as being sighted in 1499. Cartographic elements include lines of latitude and longitude (based on Ferro meridian). Decorative elements include windheads, including southern windheads represented as skulls, men holding a globe and armillary sphere, and celestial and astrological spheres.
Source author: 
Girava, Gerónimo, -1556
Source title: 
Dos libros de cosmographia compuestos nueuamente por Hieronymo Giraua Tarragones
Source place: 
Impresso en Milan: Por Maestro Iuan Antonio Castellon, y Maestro Christoual Caron, junto à la Yglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Escala., El año de. M.D.LVI.
Cartobibliographic notes: 
Girava, cosmographer to the Emperor Charles V, created this map from a large world map of Caspar Vopell. Vopell's maps—supposedly of 1545, 1549, and 1552—are no longer extant, although some derivatives by Vavassore and Van den Putte of the 12-sheet map have survived.
Geographic Area: 
Normalized date: 
LC bibliographic number: 
Girava, Gerónimo, d. 1556