Accession Number:
File Name:
Call number:
Shelf Cc775 /1
Map title:
Province de New-York en 4 feuilles par Montresor
Place of Publication:
Chez le Rouge Ingr. Geog. du Roi rue des Grands Augustins
Publication date:
Map size height:
144 cm.
Map size width:
93 cm.
Item description:
Engraved map, dissected and mounted on cloth
Geographical description:
Map of New York. Includes boundaries of land patents in the Hudson Valley and towns in western New England as well as the locations of forts, farms, and various interpretations of the disputed New York-New Jersey boundary (which Montresor helped survey in 1771). Relief shown with hachures. Inset at upper left: [Lake Champlain, continuation]. Inset at upper right: [Connecticut River, continuation]
Cartobibliographic notes:
Copy of A map of the Province of New York, ... London, 1775 by John Montresor. Engraved map folded with ms. title, "Nouvele Yorc," pasted on outside. (In box with title Nlle. Angleterre Nlle. York Nlle. Jersey).
Phillips, Atlases 1212, no. 13-14; BMPM 10/555, McCorkle 777.16, Sellers & van Ee 1068
Geographic Area:
North America
Scale 1:
ca. 320,000
Normalized date:
LC bibliographic number:
Montrésor, John, 1736-1799