Detail View: JCB Map Collection: [Cartagena] [bottom]

Accession Number: 
File Name: 
Call number: 
Cabinet Gb787 LoJ
Map title: 
[Cartagena] [bottom]
Place of Publication: 
Publication date: 
Map size height: 
31 cm.
Map size width: 
40 cm.
Item description: 
1 map on 2 sheets, colored
Geographical description: 
Bottom part of a map of the area around Cartagena with depiction of marshes on the lower courses of the Chocó, Sinú, and Perico Rivers, and of mountains and forested areas containing timber for building. Centers of population of varying sizes, forts, ranch houses, mines, aqueducts, etc., extensively denoted by symbols, keyed to an "Explicacion de las Señales" at the top of sheet 1. Title at top of sheet 1, in a neoclassical cartouche; below it is a note on the sources for this map, attributed primarily to a survey of the province in manuscript made by Captain D. Antonio La Torre in 1777 on the orders of Governor D. Juan de Torrezar Díaz Pimienta. The note also refers to the transhumance of 250,000 head of horses and cattle in the province. Inset, top right of sheet 1, below the key to symbols: Plano de las neuvas poblaciones. Prime meridian of Tenerife, Canary Is. (given as "Longitud Oriental del Pico de Teide & Tenerife"). iven as four scales: Leguas de 20 al grado, llamadas de Marina ...; Leguas geograficas de España; Leguas legales Castellanas, and, Varas Castellanas.
Source author: 
López, Juan, 1765-1825
Source title: 
Mapa geografico de la provincia de Cartagena su autor Don Juan López pensionista por S[u] M[ajestad] C[atólica]; individuo de la Real Academia de Buenas Letras de Seville, de la Sociedad Vascongada y de la de Asturias
Source place: 
[Madrid], año 1787
BMPM 9/228; Phillips, Maps, p. 210 (manuscript of this map); V. Cortés, Catálogo de mapas de Colombia, pp. 219-220
Geographic Area: 
South America
Scale 1: 
ca. 870,000
Normalized date: 
LC bibliographic number: 
López, Juan, 1765-1825