Detail View: JCB Map Collection: A new plan of the island of Grenada, from the original French survey of Monsieur Pinel taken in 1763 by order of government, and now published with the addition of English names, alterations of property, and other improvements to the present year 1780 by Lieutt. Daniel Paterson ...

Accession Number: 
File Name: 
Call number: 
Cabinet Es780 Pi
Map title: 
A new plan of the island of Grenada, from the original French survey of Monsieur Pinel taken in 1763 by order of government, and now published with the addition of English names, alterations of property, and other improvements to the present year 1780 by Lieutt. Daniel Paterson ...
Place of Publication: 
William Faden, Charing Cross
Publication date: 
Feby. 1st, 1780
Map size height: 
81 cm.
Map size width: 
59 cm.
Item description: 
Engraved map on 2 sheets, colored
Geographical description: 
Map of Grenada. Inset at lower left: Plan of the town of St. George and Fort Royal. Dedication to Robert Melville, by Daniel Paterson.
Cartobibliographic notes: 
Key to lot numbers printed in: Paterson, A topographical description of the island of Grenada ... London, 1780.
Cundall, West Indies, no. 1903; Kiven, Concerning an eighteenth century map of Grenada, 1960. (ms. in JCBL)
Geographic Area: 
Normalized date: 
LC bibliographic number: 
Pinel, fl. 1763
Paterson, Daniel, 1738-1825