Accession Number:
File Name:
Call number:
Cabinet Ed771 /1 Ms
Map title:
[Populated area on the shores of the Rio Pánuco, Mexico] fecho en dies y nue[ve] dias del mes de mayo de mil setecientos [setentia?] y un años [signed] Manuel Ramon Cabrillos, Don Padilla Mera, Ana de Mera
Place of Publication:
Publication date:
Map size height:
29 cm.
Map size width:
37 cm.
Item description:
Manuscript map, colored
Geographical description:
Map of the area around Mazatlán, Sinaloa Province, near Rosario. Oriented with north to the left. Shows land use, Indian pueblos. Key, 1-72.
Geographic Area:
North America
Normalized date:
LC bibliographic number: