Accession Number:
File Name:
Call number:
Cabinet Ce738 WiJ
Map title:
[right] Chart of North Carolina from Cape Lookout to Albemarle Sound]
Place of Publication:
Sold by W. Mount & T. Page on Tower hill and J. Hawkins in Fenchurch Street London and the Author at Boston in New England
Publication date:
Anno 1738
Map size height:
57 cm.
Map size width:
48 cm.
Item description:
Engraved map on 2 sheets, colored
Geographical description:
Chart of North Carolina from Cape Lookout to Albemarle Sound. Includes soundings and settlements. At lower right: "Directions to sail into all the navigable inlets in this chart." [Engraved by] "J. Mynde." At lower right: "Sold by W. Mount & T. Page on Tower hill and J. Hawkins in Fenchurch Street London and the Author at Boston in New England."
Source author:
Wimble, James, ca. 1697-ca. 1744
Source title:
To His Grace Thomas Hollis Pelham Duke of Newcastle ... This chart of His Majesties Province of North Carolina ... are carefully laid down and humby dedicated by ... James Wimble
Source place:
[London : s.n.] , Anno 1738
JCBAR 1953:33-37; Cumming 241; Supplement 215A, p. 279-280; Cumming, Captain James Wimble, Raleigh, 1969; Cumming, Wimple's maps: (Jan. 2012)
Geographic Area:
North America
Normalized date:
LC bibliographic number:
Wimble, James, ca. 1697-ca. 1744
Mynde, J.