Accession Number:
File Name:
Call number:
Cabinet Cc759 /1
Map title:
[lower middle] [mid-southern part of Pennsylvania]
Place of Publication:
Nicholas Scull in Second-Street
Publication date:
Jan. 1st, 1759
Map size height:
76 cm.
Map size width:
153 cm.
Item description:
Engraved map on 3 sheets; 6 sheets in 3
Geographical description:
Map of Pennsylvania made just after the French and Indian War. This sheet shows the middle southern part. Gives locations of forts. "Philadelphia. Engraved by: Jas. Turner, and Printed by John Davis for the Author."
Source author:
Scull, Nicholas, 1686?-1761?
Source title:
To the honourable Thomas Penn and Richard Penn esq., true & absolute proprietaries & governors of the Province of Pennsylvania & Counties of New-Castle, Kent & Sussex on Delaware this map of the improved part of the Province of Pennsylvania is humbly dedicated by Nicholas Scull
Source place:
Philadelphia : Nicholas Scull in Second-Street, Jan. 1st, 1759
Cartobibliographic notes:
State 1.
Wheat & Brun, no. 422; Phillips, Maps:673; WLCL 4:172; BMPM 11/426
Geographic Area:
North America
Scale 1:
ca. 250,000
Normalized date:
LC bibliographic number:
Scull, Nicholas, 1686?-1761?
Turner, James, d. 1759