Detail View: JCB Map Collection: A Map of the New Northern Archipelago discovered by the Russians in the Seas of Kamtschatka & Anadir

Accession Number: 
File Name: 
Call number: 
J774 S778a
Map title: 
A Map of the New Northern Archipelago discovered by the Russians in the Seas of Kamtschatka & Anadir
Place of Publication: 
C. Heydinger in the Strand
Publication date: 
Map size height: 
20.2 cm.
Map size width: 
26.9 cm.
Item description: 
fold-out engraved map; frontispiece, hand coloring
Geographical description: 
Map of Kamchatka and the Bering Strait with part of North America (present-day Alaska). Cartographic elements include location of rivers and islands, some topographical details, lines of latitude and longitude, and routes taken by the three Russian ships which arrived at Kamchatka in 1648, Captain Vitas Jonassen Bering in 1728 and 1741, Lieutenant Sindo in 1764, 1765, 1766, and 1767. Decorative elements include a vignette of a native American Eskimo family. Includes scene of fishing, hunting, and boating. Also includes fish, caribou, and dwellings.
Source author: 
Staehlin von Storcksburg, Jakob, 1708-1785
Source title: 
[Das von den Russen in den Jahren 1765, 66, 67 entdekte nordliche Insel-Meer. English] An account of the new northern archipelago, lately discovered by the Russians in the seas of Kamtschatka and Anadir
Source place: 
London : Printed for C. Heydinger, in the Strand, M.DCC.LXXIV
Wagner, H.R. Cartography of the northwest coast of America, 636
Historical notes: 
This edition, edited by Matthew Maty, was carried by Captain Cook to the North Pacific on his third voyage.
Normalized date: 
Thomas Kitchin