Accession Number:
File Name:
Call number:
Cabinet Blathwayt 8
Map title:
[New England, showing Massachusetts' boundaries]
Place of Publication:
Publication date:
Map size height:
55 cm.
Map size width:
65.5 cm.
Item description:
Geographical description:
Map of Massachusetts showing the northern and southern parallels or boundaries of the colony. Cartographic elements include location of islands and harbors along coast of Massachusetts, a lake, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, degrees of latitude, and compass rose.
Cartobibliographic notes:
This manuscript map was drawn or copied in an effort to avert or postpone the revocation of the colony's charter which finally took place in 1684. The rulers of the colony had a vested interest in having the source of the Merrimack River being as far north as possible since their charter directed that the northern boundary of Massachusetts was three miles north of the source of it. A map, drawn by William Reed in 1665 and now lost, established the source to be an outlet at the southern end of Lake Winnipesaukee and shows the end of the lake as being the marker used to establish Massachusetts' northern boundary. This map is believed to have been made from a copy of that map, making it perhaps the first official map of Massachusetts made in the colony. This map resembles the well-known John Foster, "A map of New England" published in 1677.The Blathwayt Atlas is a collection of 48 maps assembled between 1680 and 1685 as a reference atlas for the Office of Trade and Plantations, compiled by William Blathwayt, Secretary to the Lords of Trade and Plantations.
Black, J.D., ed. Blathwayt Atlas, vol. II, p. 63-72
Geographic Area:
North America
Normalized date: