Accession Number:
File Name:
Call number:
H558 Z96d
Map title:
Carta da navegar de Nicolo et Antonio Zeni furono III tramontana lano M.CCC.LXXX.
Place of Publication:
[Francesco Marcolini]
Publication date:
Map size height:
28.3 cm.
Map size width:
37.8 cm.
Item description:
fold-out woodcut map, frontispiece
Geographical description:
Map of Norway, Iceland, Greenland, and other islands named Frisland, Estland, Icaria, Estotiland, and Drogeo in the north Atlantic and Arctic sea. Cartographic elements include lines of latitude and longitude.
Source author:
Zeno, Niccolò, 1515-1565
Source title:
De i commentarii del viaggio in Persia di m. Caterino Zeno il k. & delle guerre fatte nell imperio persiano, dal tempo de Vssuncassano in quĂ . libri due ...
Source place:
In Venetia : Per Francesco Marcolini., MDLVIII.
Burden, P.D. Mapping of North America, 26; (Aug. 2006)
Geographic Area:
Historical notes:
This map purports to illustrate the voyages of the author's ancestor and his brother at the end of the 14th century. It is, however, a fictitious map based upon Olaus Magnus's Carta marina, along with other 16th century maps, and was probably created to give Venice, the author's native city, the credit for discovering America more than a century ahead of Columbus. Estotiland (said to be inhabited by people of European lineage, but having its own language; it is perhaps Labrador) and Drogeo (perhaps Newfoundland) on this map appear to represent the eastern coast of America.Frisland, orginally referred to Iceland, but was added along with Iceland on this map. It appeared on subsequent maps for the next hundred years. It may refer to the Faroe Islands.
Normalized date: